Thursday, February 19, 2015

Knife for Frau Müller

Known also as Нож для Фрау Мюллер, Нож для Frau Müller, or Messer für Frau Müller.  I know little about them, as their output is somewhat outside the genres/styles I'm generally researching - but I was first introduced to them by a friend in St. Petersburg, and immediately liked their work, a very original combination of electronica, retro/lounge, and cheese-core.  Their song "Лучшая девушка в СССР" ("Luchshaia devushka v SSSR"/"The Best Girl in the USSR"), from their 1999 album Алло, супермен! (Allo, supermen!/Hello, Superman!) actually had a video, and is one of my favorites:

I'm not entirely certain, but it could be that some of the illustrations are from Russian "ladies" magazines such as Работница (Rabotnitsa/Working Woman).

"Nostalgia" of all sorts is still an important element in post-Soviet popular culture; in a future post, I'll try to remember to talk the practice of remixing theme songs from popular Soviet films into dance mixes - including a very popular remix from the ultra-popular Soviet-era classic comedy Служебный роман (Sluzhebnyi roman/Office Romance).  Below, the protagonists:

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